Phylogenetic analysis

Introduction: History and purpose

Phylogenetics is the study of relationships between organisms based on common ancestry (vertical descendance). Historically, phylogenetics was developed to contribute to taxonomical classification, as it was expected that species classification into genera, families or superior order would be made on the basis of shared common ancestry. Therefore the first phylogenetic studies attempted to reconstruct relatedness relationships based on matrices of shared morphological characters. The field of phylogenetics thereafter evolved to molecular methods, ie. with the first evolutionary studies of allozymes. Phylogenetics methods have evolved in parallel with the development of sanger sequencing and next generation sequencing, with the wishful/idealistic idea that being able to use a larger amount of character states (ie. nucleotides present at each position of the genome) would provide the utmost possible resolution when determining relationships between organisms. The ability of delineating and identifying isolates belonging to groups of highly related pathogens using NGS molecular phylogenetics has become an invaluable tool in epidemiological surveillance (Rife et al. 2017) and outbreak investigations and can contribute to better understanding of the factors driving the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, either at macro or micro temporal and geographic scales. In this regard, phylogenomics is nowadays frequently employed in bacterial epidemiology. However, it is not employed as first intended: to evaluate the relationships between species. Most of the focus of phylogenetics in epidemiology is on reconstructing “genealogies’’ within populations, lines of descent from most recent common ancestor (eg. determining the source of a food-borne pathogen outbreak).


In molecular phylogenetics, homology is defined as a similarity between sequences due to the sharing of an ancestral sequence. Sequence homology can thus arise by duplication events of an ancestral sequence, or by vertical descent (eg. divergence from an ancestor during speciation), also called orthology. In phylogenetics reconstruction methods, the hierarchical relationships between taxa are derived by comparison of sequence/loci that are assumed to be orthologous.

The positions in a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) used for phylogenetics analysis are thus assumed to be orthologous. Gaps (or indels: insertions and deletions) are artificially introduced markers to allow alignment of sequences or sequence portions that differ in length.

Multiple sequence alignments can be extracted from a whole genome alignment (WGA), however, note that due to genome reorganisation, and the complexity of the alignment, the resulting MSA is a concatenated set of several alignment of supposedly orthologous sequences. (See SNP and variant calling section).

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the representation of the variants loci/positions in MSA.

Taxon (pl. taxa): term derived from taxonomy to represent a group of organisms sharing an identical taxonomic ranking (eg. species, genus, family, etc …)

Operational taxonomic unit (OTU): a group of organisms under study, (ie. species, population, clonal lineage, family, …). The concept of OTU is most convenient in phylogenetics, as it allows for defining groups of organisms we are referring to without prior knowledge of their taxonomic level.

Clusters in phylogenetics: Clusters are aggregates of similar isolates. The concept of cluster allows to define a group of things with similar properties. In molecular epidemiology, clusters can be defined eg. based on pairwise distance measures), where pairwise distance thresholds (cutoffs) often are used to determine which isolates belong to a specific cluster. In phylogenetics, defined clusters MUST be monophyletic.

A monophyletic group (or clade) is a group where all OTUs that form this group are linked by a single ancestor (decipited by a single node), and all the descendants of this ancestor belong to this singular group. The monophyletic concept is often used to describe the relations of the OTU to each other in phylogenetics. It contrasts with the concept of paraphyletic group, which allows describing OTU groups sharing a common ancestor but where not all descendants are included in the group. See this figure for descriptive terms of OTU grouping.

A lineage is a line of descent, including all the ancestors and all the descendants (leaves/tips), from the most ancient ancestor that defines the lineage.

Phylogenetic trees are tree-like graphs (non-cyclic) that are used to visualise the reconstructed relationships between organisms. The topology of the tree (ie. the branching pattern of the tree) is expected to reflect how OTUs are related to each other. Reading and interpreting phylogenetic trees is not always as straightforward as it seems (Baum 2008, Gregory 2008). Here we only present some few of the several terms and concepts that are available to interpret phylogenetic trees and describe relatedness among OTUs. In short, each ancestor (depicted at nodes of the tree) are expected to have two, and only two (bifurcating trees) descendants represented at the tips (also called terminal nodes or leaves). The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) is the term used to describe the ancestor that is most recent to all OTU we are referring to. When phylogenetic reconstruction methods allow to evaluate the support of the splits (one ancestor to two descendants), and when the support of the split is low, the branching pattern of the tree is not well resolved. This could be visualised as polytomies (or multifurcation: when one ancestor diverged into more than two descendants). Note that in most commonly used phylogenetics inference, tips always are the isolates under study, and ancestors are always reconstructed (inferred), ie. ancestors can never be sampled, they are purely a reconstruction of ancestry of your isolates.

Note that when we are speaking about the succession of ancestors, we assume a direction of evolution in time, this implies that the phylogenetic tree is rooted. The root of the tree allows for providing a direction (the order of splitting events) on the tree. However, when the tree is unrooted (not rooted) the order of the branching pattern of the nodes is not defined (ie. we do not know which node is the ancestor of which node).

A specific terminology is used to describe the different types of trees. A dendrogram is a bifurcating graph tree that represents a hierarchical structure but does not necessarily represent evolutionary relationships, it is basically a generic term for tree-graphs. A cladogram is a dendrogram where the hierarchical structure indicates a common ancestry. Branch lengths do not provide indications about evolutionary distance between OTUs. A phylogram is a phylogenetic tree where the topology indicates the ancestry history and the branch length represents the amount of evolution (or evolutionary distances) between OTUs. Ultrametric trees are trees where all branches have equal length to the root. Beware that those ultrametric trees must be reconstructed under the assumption of a molecular clock, and that all tips are contemporary isolates. Ultrametric trees are very sensitive to deviations of those assumptions, in which case the branch lengths may not indicate the real amount of evolution of OTUs since their last MRCA. Ultrametric trees are generally poorly adapted to represent evolutionary relationships of rapidly evolving organisms with short generation times, where lineages may evolve at different rates, most particularly if you mix contemporary isolates to isolates previously stored in the freezer for many years. Additive trees are trees where the branch length represents the amount of evolution, but do not require the assumption of molecular clock (note that ultrametric trees are a particular case of additive trees).

The molecular clock hypothesis is the assumption that sequence divergence occurs at the same pace among the studied lineages, and therefore that the genetic distance is proportional to time elapsed since divergence from MRCA.

Phylogenetics and phylogenomics derived terms: The joint study of phylogeny and population genetics has given rise to the term of Phylodynamics. In epidemiology, this can be defined as “the study of the interaction between epidemiological and evolutionary processes within and among pathogen populations” (Rife et al. 2017). Phylogeography is the study of spatial arrangements of genealogical lineages within and among conspecific populations and closely related species.” (Avise 2010 in Avise 2016).

Examples of usages of phylogenies in molecular epidemiology

Detecting and investigating outbreaks

Finding the source of some food-born pathogen causing an outbreak can be challenging. A patient might have consumed food originating from diverse origin, and the usage of preprocessed ingredients entering in each individual meal composition might be nearly impossible to trace back. Hoffmann et al. (2016) provided an example where Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analysis of WGS data of a preselected set of isolates (geolocated isolates: outbreak isolates, environmental isolates and historical isolates) that were identified as similar by PFGE, allowed to pitpoint toward the most probable origin of Salmonella Bareilly outbreak. The pathogen responsible for the USA outbreak, was associated with tuna imported from a Indian fishery. They also demonstrated that the method had a high resolution to distinguish between geographically distinct lineages, which showed the high potential of those methods to monitor evolution and transmission routes of either food or environmental pathogens to new niches/hosts.

Chen et al. (2016) presented an interesting case of distance based phylogeny (using cgMLST data) of Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks. They demonstrated that in somes cases, it is necessary to investigate the hierarchical levels of population structure sequentially, first by identifying the main lineages, and thereafter refining analysis by working within lineages. This to successfully discriminate between isolates belonging to closely related outbreaks.

Tracking transmission routes of pathogens at different geographic scales

Pathogen transmission can be studied at different geographic scales: from worldwide patterns of strain dissemination to direct transmission events eg. between hosts (see Croucher and Didelot 2015). At intercontinental scales, the focus is mainly on detecting changes in the global population structure of the pathogen, which can affect the epidemiology of the disease associated to the pathogen, or can eg. help pinpoint possible routes of transmission (eg. through food import) and can contribute to narrowing the area of where epidemiological investigation should be directed. At a microgeographic scale, transmission routes can help identify reservoirs of persistence in the environment (eg. food processing) and contribute to improvement of routines and disinfection practices.

Understanding evolution, spread and transmission routes of antimicrobial resistance

AMR strains have been associated with increasing usage of antimicrobials worldwide. Usage of antimicrobial induces a selection pressure on the bacterial pathogens, which can lead to change in strain population structure (eg. population replacement of some lineages by others) and transform the epidemiology of the disease. Phylogenetic analysis can contribute to the understanding of the evolution and spread of resistant phenotypes (Klemm and Dougan 2016). Wong et al. (2015) identified inter and intracontinental transmission of multidrug resistant (MDR) Salmonella typhi H58 clades. The H58 clade emergence was identified as recent (~30 years ago). They identified multiple transmission events between Asia and Africa and demonstrated that mutations in a region of GyrA, involved in quinolone resistance, evolved independently on several occasions. An indication that selection at this gene was driven by the geographical pattern of antibiotic usage. Moreover, the expansion of the H58 lineage leads to replacement of other S.typhi strains, and therefore is likely to transform the epidemiology of disease, which justifies the necessity for long term surveillance of this pathogen. This was further supported by the increasing number of reported MDR resistant cases, which coincided with the identification of previously unrecognized ongoing outbreak.

Evaluating effectiveness of interventions and actions to fight persistence or reintroduction of pathogens from local reservoirs at a microgeographic scale

Phylogenetic analysis at a microgeographic scale has been used in combination with contact tracing of patients to support hospital infection control of nosocomial strains of Carbapenems resistant Klebsiella pneumonia strains. This allowed to identify potential reservoirs of infection (Cella et al. 2017). The authors reconstructed a time-scaled phylogeny and inferred the geographical location of ancestral lineages through Bayesian phylogeography. Their results indicated that the ancestor of the strain could have been introduced at the hospital as early as 6 years previously to their study, indicating that the bacteria was likely transported in the different parts of the hospital by employees, and that some strains might have been maintained at reservoirs related to ie. endoscopic procedures. This type of study can help detect which procedures and routines need to be improved, and where intervention measures lack effectiveness.

Fagerlund and al. (2020) studied the genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes ST9 lineage, and showed that gradually refining their analysis (cgMLST, wgMLST and SNP data), first focusing on the whole ST9 lineage and then on Norwegian clones allowed to increase the discriminatory power of the analyses while providing a background for interpretation of the analyses. Using time-scaled analysis, they were able to estimate the timing of emergence of the two Norwegian subclones that belonged to several meat processing plants. This showed that the emergence of the two Norwegian clades occurred relatively recently (95% HPD 1970-1991, and 1992-2004). Their study highlights that deep sampling is critical for studies aiming at finding the origin of bacterial contamination in food products. Moreover they provide a rich example of the challenges related to the interpretation of contamination routes, cases of multiple introduction events and persistence within production facilities when isolates are closely related.

Improving risk assessment, risk management and assessment of risk prevention measures

The risk associated with exposure to pathogens from a single species might vary between lineages, i.e., a subset of strains from a bacterial pathogen might be more likely to induce disease than other strains (Rantisou et al. 2018). Some phenotypes might confer a higher risk, eg. resistance to antimicrobials, ability to synthetize toxins, ability to grow in specific niches such as determined by pH or specific hosts. Those specific phenotypes might be shared within lineages but some might also be acquired through horizontal transfer, gene gain and loss. The risk of invasive disease might also be associated to host factors (eg. [Klemm and Dougan 2016) and to the evolution mechanisms of the pathogens.

Here three examples are provided on the possible contribution of phylogenetics analysis for these situations.

Risk prevention

As mentioned previously,phylogenetic analyses at a microgeographic scale Cella et al. 2017 example), can be used to assess whether intervention measures against a pathogen are effective and allow adjustment those measures.

Understanding host-pathogen interaction, pathogen evolution Within-host

diversity, within-host evolution and within-host niche adaptation has been observed in bacterial pathogens (Ailloud et al. 2019). Within-host evolution is particularly relevant in regard to the development of antimicrobial resistance, modifications of virulence, host-niche adaptation and for host to host transmission studies (reviewed in Didelot et al. 2016). Phylogenetics can contribute to elucidating the evolutionary mechanisms allowing host shifts in pathogens. Such host shifts are a threat to food safety and public heaths, and have been associated with acquisition of genetic material required for survival into the new host-species in Staphylococcus aureus (Ridchardson et al. 2018).

Risk prevention by flagging phenotypes associated to specific lineages, contributions of phylogenetics to gene-phenotype association

Phylogenetic comparative methods can help study the pattern of phenotypic traits that are epidemiologically relevant. Indeed, phylogenetics can contribute to the ability to discriminate between phenotypes that are associated to specific lineages from those under control of genes that are shared among several lineages. This can eg. be used to flag some lineages as presenting a higher risk than others. Moreover, phylogenetic based methods can be eg. employed to evaluate the heritability of virulence traits (Hassler et al. 2020), which can provide an estimate of the strength of the risk associated with a trait.

Phylogenetics also contribute to the identification of gene-phenotype associations. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have been employed to evaluate the association between phenotype and the presence of specific SNPs or genes in bacterial pathogens and pathogen lineages, in the hope that candidate genes discovered might be responsible for the observed phenotype. To disentangle candidates identified through lineage effects (due to linkage-disequilibrium: LD) from the candidates with likely phenotypic effect, population structure needs to be accounted for. This is particularly important as LD between genes is particularly strong in bacteria, due to their clonal population structure as well as to the physical linkage of genes. The population structure can be deduced from phylogenetic trees and incorporated into bacterial GWAS analyses (eg. Lees et al. 2020), or directly incorporated within the GWAS analysis (eg. Collins and Didelot 2018, Saund and Snitkin 2020).

Providing population dynamics estimates to support epidemiological modeling

Phylodynamics (field combining phylogenetics and population genetics a common analysis framework has been used to estimate epidemiological parameters (eg. effective reproduction numbers) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Kühnert et al. 2018), (eg. duration parameters) to assist modeling of demographic and epidemiological processes (Saunier et al. 2016, Saulnier et al. 2017, Volz and Silveroni 2018, Baele and al. 2018).

A short overview of phylogenetic reconstruction methods and considerations

Phylogenetic reconstruction methods

Distance based methods

In Distance based methods, any distance measure (eg. similarity between sequences, hamming distances between shared alleles at cgMLST, computed from a MSA/WGA employing an evolutionary model, ANI: Average nucleotide identity distances, distances based on shared k-mer approaches as used in alignment free phylogenetic methods) that is assumed to be minimal when organisms are closely related, can be used as the basis for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. The distance matrix of pairwise dissimilarities is used to perform a hierarchical clustering (e.g. UPGMA: Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means, NJ: Neighbor joining) which leads to obtaining a single tree.

Character state phylogenetic methods

Character state phylogenetic methods require a multiple alignment of orthologous DNA sequences/genomes. “Nucleotide states” (A,C,G,T and depending on the model used, indels: “-”) at each position (column) of the multiple alignment might either be ignored (ie. considered as missing data) or analyzed independently.

Maximum parsimony

Maximum parsimony method aims at reconstructing a phylogenetic tree whose topology minimizes the number of character state changes in the tree, since the last common ancestor. This method does not allow explicit substitution modeling to compute the parsimony criteria (neither allow for multiple substitutions). Those implicit assumptions might be unrealistic (Kapli et al. 2020). No further details concerning this method will be provided as it is not frequently employed in bacterial phylogenetics, but it is described in many introduction-level phylogenetics books (eg. chap 8 in Lemey et al. 2009), for those interested.

Statistical phylogenetics methods

Statistical phylogenetics methods, ie. Maximum likelihood methods (ML) and Bayesian methods* (or approximation of those), use nucleotide states at each position of the multiple sequence/genome alignment to reconstruct phylogenetic trees. A genetic distance is estimated according to an evolutionary model during phylogenetic inference. A set of trees within possible trees (the tree space) is evaluated.

In ML methods the likelihood optimality criterion allows for assessing which tree in the tree space is an “optimal” tree. Because the set of all possible trees is often very large given the number of isolates under study, it is not computationally possible to evaluate all possible trees. Algorithms are designed to explore the tree space in search of the best tree: the tree topology that has the highest likelihood to have given rise to the data (MSA/WGA) given the chosen evolutionary model. However there is no guarantee that they will find the absolute best tree among all the possible trees.

Bayesian methods allow estimating the probability distribution of trees and model parameters, and provide estimates of the confidence of inferred relationships (clades), estimates of the evolutionary hypotheses (the evolutionary model distribution) and the data through the posterior (posterior probability distribution). Bayesian methods require specification of prior belief on the evolutionary model parameters and are the most computationally intensive, due to the modalities of the exploration of the “tree space” through sampling and updating of the model parameters with MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo). They are more complex to implement than ML methods, computationally heavier and are so far rarely used in molecular epidemiology for routine surveillance of bacterial outbreaks. Bayesian phylogenetics provides a statistical framework for hypothesis testing and allow to incorporate a variety of data types into the phylogenetic modelling (eg. sampling locations, sampling dates that will allow calibrating an evolutionary timeline) and are therefore quite powerful analysis methods.

Some major assumptions to be aware of and to take into consideration

One major assumption of phylogenetics methods is that it describes the vertical evolution of the OTU under study. Genomes evolve through different mechanisms, and this implies that the different sections of the genome, following the specificities of their evolutionary mechanisms (and when those evolution events occurred) might not have the same evolutionary history (ie. do not point to the same ancestral lineage: eg. case of recombinant sequences, nor to the same timeline of evolution to the rest of the genome: eg. case of evolution by gene duplication). Therefore, it is important that phylogenetic reconstruction originates from the comparison of orthologous sequences. cgMLST schemes appear to be designed such as the phylogenetic noise introduced by recombination is minimal, if the recombinant signal is only counted once (eg. in Neumann et al. 2019) but his might still be rather problematic for species with high recombination rates. Detecting and discarding recombinant sequences for methods employing MSA as input data (eg. Whaley et al. 2018) is the most commonly use approach, also this is not without consequences and recombination-aware methods are being developed (see eg. Vaughan et al. 2017).

Genetic distances can be obtained from MSA by explicitly specifying sequence evolutionary models, as eg. done for statistical phylogenetics methods. Evolutionary models allow to make different assumptions about the evolutionary process of the sequences, eg. the rates of substitutions from one nucleotide to another, difference of rates of evolutions between different sites in the genome, and can allow to include different evolution rates for the different lineages (Lemey et al. 2009).

More complex models (with more parameters eg. different rates of substitutions for each nucleotide change) than simpler models are not always necessary to provide better phylogenetic reconstruction (see eg. Kelchner and Thomas 2007).

Interpreting phylogenetic trees requires having an idea of how confident we are in the different lineages obtained during phylogenetic analysis. Support attributed to the groups by resampling techniques (eg. bootstrapping) are frequently used in ML methods. Confidence is assessed directly from the posterior for Bayesian phylogenetic methods. Moreover, robustness of trees inferred by different methods, might be an additional indicator of the strength of the phylogenetic signal.

Which method should I choose?

Choosing a method depends on the biological question you want an answer to, and to the level of similarity between your sequences.

Distance based phylogenetic methods are less computationally intensive than statistical phylogenetic methods, and might be a good choice if you have a large amount of samples to analyse. This is particularly important since the number of possible tree topologies increase rapidly with increasing number of studied OTU, in which case statistical phylogenetic methods might be too demanding of compute resources. Distance based methods produce a single tree. It is possible to access the confidence in the inferred clades by calculating support values using eg. resampling methods such as bootstrapping (see eg. Efron et al. 1996), on the character or loci used to calculate the distance matrix.

Maximum likelihood (ML) are with distance based methods the most commonly used phylogenetic reconstruction methods used in bacterial molecular epidemiology. For distantly related isolates, MSA from concatenated genes are better suited than MSA obtained from WGA of collinear sequences or from SNP typing using a closely related sequence as coordinate system. This is due to the complexity of WGA alignment when organisms are too dissimilar due to the. abundance of gene duplications, genome reorganisation events, and if sequences are too divergent. See e.g., Kapli et al. 2020 for a comprehensive overview of phylogenomic methods for distantly related OTUs, as well as considerations for method choice. Distantly related isolates usually belong to different serogroups, relatedness is higher for isolates belonging to identical sequence type or clonal complexes. Closely related isolates are eg. outbreak isolates.

Note that MSA only represents a fraction of size of the aligned genomes. Therefore the ability to discriminate between clusters of related individuals will not only depend on the quality of the MSA, but also on the fraction of the genome that is compared (that is common to all isolates: core). Different methods can be used sequentially, to gain additional resolution (new MSA) for subsets of closely related isolates.

Note that software that provide different MSA or SNP typing approaches might be optimized for different types of analyses, and different amounts of divergence between isolates under study.

What do you need to be able to reconstruct phylogenetic trees with WGS data?

For distance based methods a pairwise distance matrix is needed, eg. from alignment-free methods that allow computation of distances based on kmer/word frequencies, or from a MSA/WGA.

For statistical phylogenetics a MSA/WGA/MultipleSNP alignment is needed, eg. concatenated from a set of gene alignments or a whole genome alignment.

Workflow for phylogenetic reconstruction with distance based methods

Obtaining a pairwise distance matrix

A pairwise distance matrix can be obtained from a multiple alignment, or by any other measure where the distance is assumed to represent the amount of evolution between isolates, eg. as perform for alignment free phylogenetic reconstruction where the distance is estimated by kmer difference counts or spaced words matches (see eg. Röhling et al. 2020, Morgenstern 2019)

Phylogenetic tree building

UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) produces ultrametric trees, where all OTUs are equally distant to the root. UPGMA assumes that all lineages evolve at the same rate: molecular clock and that all OTU have been sampled at the same time. While this method is still relatively frequently used, this is likely not the best choice for pathogen surveillance datasets. It is therefore not presented here. (For an overview of principle see any phylogenetic textbook or review such as eg. at Sharma et 2018).

The most frequently used distance method to reconstruct phylogenetic trees is the neighbor-joining method (NJ). NJ does not assume a molecular clock and produces a single unrooted tree (Saitou and Nei 1987). The NJ principle is to build the phylogenetic tree iteratively, starting from a star topology and by creating nodes joining OTU with the smallest pairwise branch length and by minimizing the sum of branch length in the tree. At each node created, the distance between the taxa in the node and other OTU is calculated. This is repeated until all OTU are joined by bifurcating nodes (see eg. for a detailed process using 4 OTU [DeSalle and Rosenfeld 2013])(

Evaluating clade confidence

Clades can be evaluated using Bootstrapping, as mentioned elsewhere in this handbook.

Workflow for MSA/WGA/MSA-SNP methods

Obtaining a multiple alignment (MA: MSA/WGA/MA-SNP)

One critical assumption is that at each position of the multiple alignment (MA), the characters are assumed to have evolved from a common ancestor (homology) and have diverged from the same ancestral sequence (ie. vertically: orthology). Depending on the nature (gene, SNPs, collinear regions) of the MA, different preprocessing such as removal of recombination between homologous segments methods might be employed prior to phylogenetic reconstruction (see eg. Kapli et al. 2020). There are different strategies to obtain a multiple alignment from WGS data based on either

  • The set of presumed orthologous genes that are present in all isolates are extracted from genome annotations, and specialized databases (eg. described in Kapli et al. 2020). A multiple sequence alignment is performed for each gene individually. In bacterial surveillance, alignments of all the genes are generally concatenated in a single MSA/WGA for phylogenetic reconstruction, eg. by exporting the core gene alignment using Roary (Page et al. 2015). Alternatively, it is possible to reconstruct one phylogenetic tree per gene and “reconcile” the obtained set of phylogenies in a single tree using supertree methods (see eg. Boussau and Scornavacca 2020, and Kapli et al. 2020).
  • Whole genome multiple alignment is a complex computing problem, this due to eg. genome rearrangement (Henning and Nielselt 2019, Dewey 2019). A strategy that is frequently employed is the “hierarchical” multiple alignment of collinear blocks (segments of the compared genomes that do not contain rearrangements) or a “local” alignment of parts of the genomes that are later merged as multiple alignments (Darling et al. 2004, Darling et al. 2010). Whole genome alignment contains information about genome synteny, and typically includes pangenomes. The core MA must be extracted from pangenome WGA for phylogenetic analysis. MSA/WGA can be either directly obtained (eg. ParSNP, Treangen et al. 2014) or extracted by concatenating the several collinear blocks that were common (core) in all genomes under study (eg. from extracting the core from a WGA alignment file output from Mauve/progressiveMauve aligner (Darling et al. 2004, Darling et al. 2010) with biopython script or with eg., with harvesttools (Treangen et al. 2014).
  • Multiple SNP alignment can be obtained when an identical reference is used to type SNPs for all isolates under study. The reference serves as a coordinate system, therefore a multiple SNP alignment can be reconstructed by concatenating all the SNPs at all the different coordinates of the reference. This can eg. be done with Snippy.

Ensuring that aligned sequences are orthologous

During WGA building, recombinants from homologous regions might be included in the alignment. Those regions must be either deleted or masked (hidden) from the alignment used in phylogenetic reconstruction because those sites are not inherited by vertical descent (non orthologous). The methods developed to detect recombinant loci (see eg, Lai and Loerger 2018) are not universally applicable to all multiple alignments. The methods that use sliding window where positional information of SNPs is crucial to detect hotspots of SNPs that are then considered as recombinants (eg. Gubbins (Croucher et al. 2015), ClonalFrameML (Didelot and Wilson 2015)) are not applicable for detection of recombinants in MA from concatenated genes because the order of genes is arbitrary and intergenic regions are not present. Moreover some methods have been developed to work with relatively closely related isolates (within lineages), eg. ClonalFrameML and Gubbins. Other methods might be better adapted when working with more distantly related isolates within a species (eg. fastGear Mostowy etal. 2017).

Defining an evolutionary model of the sequences (Modeling evolution)

Statistical phylogenetic methods aim at modeling the process of evolution that is evidenced by the SNPs seen between taxa. Therefore it is necessary to provide a evolutionary model, which is a representation of the sequence evolutionary process: the change in character/nucleotide over time in orthologous sequences belonging to two taxa that diverged from a most recent common ancestor (MRCA), to perform phylogenetic inference with statistical phylogenetic methods.

Each evolutionary model is composed of a set of sub-models that represent the different components or biological characteristics that are relevant to describe the characteristics of the sequence evolution. A “minimum evolutionary model” that might be realistic enough to represent sequence evolution for a set of OTUs can be composed of a nucleotide substitution model and a model of heterogeneity rate among sites. Below these are described, as are also several additional models which when used in conjunction with the “minimum evolutionary model” can provide a means to increase the realisms of the evolutionary process modeling.

Which evolutionary model should I choose?

Choosing an evolutionary model might be a daunting task. Therefore, a strategy for “choosing” the model, is actually to perform phylogenetic inference with several models and then evaluate the fit of the model to the data. Fortunately, model testing is implemented and automated in several phylogenetic softwares, thus this does not require you to manually perform several analyses.

Generally, when reconstructing phylogenies of isolates that are very closely related, you can expect that the best fit evolutionary model will be more simple (less parameters) than when you reconstruct phylogeny of distantly related OTU (Lemey et al. 2009). This can eg. be explained because you are less likely to have to model multiple substitutions events and because the sequence nucleotide frequencies are likely to be nearly identical among the isolates unders study.

Nucleotide substitution models
What is a substitution model

Substitutions models are one of the major components of the sequence evolutionary model. Substitution models are a statistical description of how nucleotides evolve from the MRCA to another during sequence evolution; they provide the probability of change of each base into another base (eg. describe the probability of A becoming T over time). For amino-acid substitution models please see phylogenetic books).

Nucleotide substitutions are usually modeled as a random event (ie. occurring randomly at one nucleotide location within your MA). Nucleotide sites are assumed to evolve independently of each other. Through phylogenetic inference, evolution can be modelled step wise (discrete time) or continuously (continuous time, eg. Bayesian methods). Herein we only use “time step” to present the general idea of those methods. At each time step, each site evolves or not, independently from other sites. At each time step, the nucleotide substitution probabilities remain unchanged (time homogeneity assumption). A very good introduction on substitution models can be found here: (Lecture primer by Paul Lewis - Part 1).

The relation between an observed nucleotide change and the “true” evolutionary distance is not one to one, because some types of base changes may be more likely than others. This can be due to a bias in nucleotide composition, or a bias in base biochemical properties that favors some types of nucleotide changes being more probable than others, thus having less evolutionary weight than other changes. Other reasons of the absence of one to one relationship between evolutionary distance and observed nucleotide changes are the occurrence of multiple substitutions events, where only the final state is observed (eg: A -> T -> G), or the occurrence of back mutations (eg: A -> T -> A) or convergence (eg. A -> T and C->T) where sequence evolution did not leave an observable footprint in the sequences under comparison. Reversal and multiple substitutions are more likely if organisms have diverged a long time ago.

Frequently employed substitution models

The most frequently employed substitution models belong to a family of models called time reversible models (REV). The general time reversible model (GTR) can be seen as the most complex (most parameters) of the REV model family.

The most simple REV model is called the Jukes and Cantor model (JC69). JC69 assumes equal probability of change of each nucleotide to one-another and equal equilibrium frequencies of each nucleotide, i.e. 0.25 of each. The slightly more complex model Kimura two-parameter mode (K2P or K80) introduced different rates of changes for transitions and transversions, as transitions are more frequent than transversion during evolution. The GTR model is composed of different rates of changes for the different nucleotides and different equilibrium nucleotides frequencies (see eg. review in Arenas 2015 and a figure here for the relations between different REV models.) All GTR models, and submodels (nested models) assume that the relative frequencies of each nucleotide are at equilibrium. This means that relative nucleotide frequencies do not change in the course of evolution (also called stationary).

Note that if a MA-SNP is used it might be necessary to provide the number of invariant positions for each nucleotide. This is required to compute the relative nucleotide frequencies of the dataset.

Note: that non-REV models exist. They allow providing a direction of evolution, but those are so far not frequently encountered (see eg. Williams et al. 2015, Woodhams et al., 2015) in molecular epidemiology phylogenetic inference of bacterial pathogens.

Modeling the heterogeneity of substitution rate among sites (Rate variation)

The model of the heterogeneity of substitution rate among sites is the second major component of the evolutionary model.

Not all loci/positions in a MA evolve at the same peace. The rate of nucleotide change can be different (heterogenous), for eg. different types of genes, for different codon positions in protein sequences (rate 3d > 1st > 2d position) and for different parts of proteins such as enzyme active sites. This can be implemented with a rate heterogeneity among sites model.

To specifically define which sites can evolve at different rates, it is possible to define groups of sites, for instance genes, codons, or parts of codons that may evolve at a different rate, and use those for phylogenetic analysis. This is called partitioning Kapli et al. 2020. Partitioning has been subject to controversy, particularly as it is a challenge to identify appropriate partitions a priori. See Kainer and Lanfear (2015) for a review of the effects of partitioning to accommodate variation in substitution rates among sites.

Most often, the heterogeneity of substitution rates among sites is modelled without defining a-priory partitions. This is done by assuming that the sites can be categorized and attributed to discrete groups (classes) that evolve at the same rate. The different classes corresponding to each discrete rate are drawn from a gamma distribution (eg. GTR+G4, +G6 +G10), where 4, 6 and 10 indicate the number of rate classes for a GTR model. Six to 10 classes are generally a good approximation for the variability of the rate among sites for intraspecific studies (Jia et al 2014).

However, because assuming that the substitution rate variation follows a gamma distribution has no biological basis, but is rather a convenient implementation means, the question of how to define those rate categories has been subject to discussion in the scientific community, eg. in Jia et al. 2014). Therefore alternative methods of modeling the heterogeneity rate of substitution among sites have been implemented (eg. Free-rate model).

From Strict molecular clock models to models that take into account the variation of the evolutionary rate among lineages and time
The molecular clock hypothesis

The molecular clock (strict molecular clock) is an assumption that all the lineages under study evolve at an identical rate. The evolutionary rate is then proportional to elapsed time since divergence from each MRCA across all lineages, although this does not exclude that different parts of the genome evolve at different rates, as long as the rate for each part is identical for the isolates under study.

Assuming a molecular clock, allow for example for estimation of evolutionary rates, estimating the timing of emergence of a lineage (eg. associated with the origin of an outbreak). This can also help eg. to discriminate between persistent strains and reintroduction events from a common source, and eg. identify practices associated with the appearance of a new strain in a food processing environment (eg. Fagerlund et al. 2020), which in turn can help improve biosecurity measures.

The molecular clock assumption is usually implicit unless other clock models are used.

Correlating evolution rate and time requires calibration of the molecular clock. Tip-dating allows calibration of the molecular clock, it allows rescaling of the nodes into calendar time by linking calendar time units to evolutionary rate and thus easing epidemiological interpretation (eg. Volz and Fost 2017, Baele et al. 2018). Tip-dating is increasingly used for virus outbreak investigation and monitoring (Baele et al. 2018). Time-resolved phylogenies are currently to a lesser extent used for bacterial phylogenetics (but see eg. Fagerlund et al. 2020), but will likely be increasingly common.

Tip-dating to calibrate a molecular clock model during phylogenetic inference (eg. Bayesian inference) is conceptually and methodologically different to calibrating/translating evolutionary time into calendar dates posterior to phylogenetic reconstruction, from the finished tree. Calibrating methods posterior to tree inference include eg. root to tip regression, least-square dating. Those two types of methods that produce“time-trees” differ in regard to uncertainty treatment (Duchêne et al. 2016, reviewed in Duchêne and Duchêne 2021).

Note: Data that contain sampling time information are also referred as “Time-stamped” and “heterochronous” data.

Moreover, providing estimates of the nodes’ age (time) depend on the position of the root (Duchêne and Duchêne 2021 in Ho 2020).

Heterotachy: variation of the evolutionary rate over time and among lineages

Assuming an homogeneous evolutionary rate among lineages when this is not true, may alter the tree topology reconstruction. Heterotachy appears to be more likely the more the lineages are distantly related to each other and can eg. result in a phenomena called long-branch attraction. In this case, lineages that evolve more rapidly than other will appear as to have diverged since a longer evolutionary time than other lineages (overview in eg. Kapli et al. 2020).

Heterotachy is accounted for by using relaxed clock-models. Bayesian inference software may offer s choice between several relaxed clock models: the (auto)correlated relaxed clock (assumption of molecular-clock more similar the more closely related lineages are), uncorrelated relaxed clock and flexible local clock (Ho 2009, Fourment and Darling 2018). Some models allowing accounting for heterotachy have recently been developed for ML phylogenetic inference (eg. see Crotty et al. 2020, heterotachy model in IQTree2, Minh et al 2020).

Character based statistical phylogenetic methods.

Maximum likelihood methods principle

In ML methods the likelihood optimality criterion allows for assessing which among the trees in the tree space is an “optimal” tree, the tree that is considered to best represent the data. The likelihood of the possible trees given the data (here, the multiple alignment, MA) and the evolutionary model is computed. For each possible tree topology, the likelihood is computed backwards: starting from the tips, then through the successive ancestral nodes. Because ancestral character states at each position of the MA are unknown, the probability of having a specific nucleotide in the MRCA sequence at each site is given by the probabilities of change of each nucleotide (REV model) which allow to compute the likelihood of the tree. Branch lengths, representing the evolutionary distance of each OTU to MRCA, are found by maximizing the log-likelihood function that is used to compute the probability of an MA for a given tree topology. However, because the set of all possible trees is often very large [ (2n – 5)! / ((n-3)!2n-3) if n>2, possible unrooted trees] given the number of isolates under study, it is not computationally possible to compute the likelihood for all possible tree topologies. Therefore, heuristics methods have been developed to search the set of all possible trees (the tree space), in order to find a reasonably good tree (with maximum likelihood). Note that there is no guarantee that the best tree will be found. Heuristics can eg. rely on the rapid building of a first tree (NJ distance based tree, parsimony tree) followed by tree-rearrangements such as SPR: subtree pruning and grafting or simulated annealing, a method apparented to Markov Chain Monte Carlo which allows walking through the tree space.

Bayesian inference principle

Bayesian phylogenetics provides a statistical framework for hypothesis testing and allow to incorporate a variety of data types into the phylogenetic modelling (eg. sampling locations, sampling dates that will allow calibrating an evolutionary timeline) and are therefore quite powerful analysis methods. Bayesian methods are also often used because they can allow for a more realistic modeling of the evolutionary process than ML, allow joint estimation of the model parameters and tree topologies (see eg. Holder and Lewis 2003). They are seen as more complex to implement than ML methods, are frequently computationally heavier and are so far rarely used in molecular epidemiology for routine surveillance of bacterial outbreaks.

Bayesian methods allow estimating the probability distribution of trees and model parameters, and provide estimates of the confidence of inferred relationships (clades), estimates of the evolutionary hypotheses (the evolutionary model distribution) and the data through the posterior (posterior probability distribution). Bayesian phylogenetic inference requires specification of prior belief on the evolutionary model parameters. Prior parameters of the evolutionary models are given in a form of probability distributions (see eg. Ronquist et al. (chap 7) in Lemey et al. 2009) of the model components eg. topology, branch lengths, substitutions model. The components of the evolutionary model can be complexified by using priors on heterogeneity rate among sites, by specifying the distribution of the evolutionary rates among lineages, and by specifying distributions around sampling time to account for uncertainties. Flat priors, i.e. that do not influence too much the posterior are often specified when reconstructing phylogenetic trees.

The posterior probabilities distributions are estimated by searching the model “parameter space” (incl. “tree space”) through sampling and updating of the model parameters with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The idea of exploring the parameter space with MCMC is similar to drawing a high resolution map, exploring the map step by step, near a zone of interest while minimizing resolution of areas that are not of interest. Zones of interest are represented by hills. Mapping a hill with a high resolution requires the number of steps that represent the length of the MCMC chain, to be sufficient. When mapping resolution cannot further be improved, this corresponds to a stationary posterior distribution of the model parameters. Because there might be several hills in the map, and that it is difficult to explore other hills by going through valleys that represent zones of lower interest, the exploration is achieved by exploring the landscape several times (different runs) using random starting points (seeds). When the different exploration converges, ie. is congruent, the analysis provides similar major clades frequencies and the results must be summarized for interpretation. When the evolutionary signal is sufficiently strong in the MA, it is possible that the 95% of the posterior probability distribution of trees will be represented by one or a limited set of trees. Accessing the strength of evidence eg. for clades support or node ages is generally provided in the form of a 95% confidence interval. You can look at eg. the BEAST documentation to see how to summarize the different trees.

Note that ML and Bayesian inference differ in how to evaluate clade support, which has lead to several discussions on interpreting clade support (see eg. Douady et al. 2003, Erikson et al. 2003, Svennblad et al. 2006). Moreover, it is possible to explore the “model space”, and find the model parameters using a special type of MCMC (reversible-jump MCMC, Huelsenbeck et al. 2004, Bouchkaert and Drummond 2017).

A simple principle introduction to Bayesian theorem can be found here , a comprehensive introduction to Bayesian phylogenetic inference can be found in Ronquist et al. (chap 7) in Lemey et al. 2009. A set of very good introductory videos can be found at Introduction to Bayesian phylogenetics by Paul Lewis (3a, 3b)).

Model testing for statistical phylogenetic methods

Model selection affects phylogenetics inference (Posada and Buckley 2004). Model testing allows one to choose the model that best fits the data while avoiding under or overparameterization. Model testing can be used for hypothesis testing of alternative scenarios. Evaluating the support of alternative phylogenetic models can eg. be used to evaluate which evolutionary mechanism is more likely eg. for a specific gene, to examine patterns of trait evolution in phylogenies, or to test if the topologies of two alternative phylogenetic trees are equally supported (Lemey et al. 2009, and see review in Irisarri and Zardoya 2017). To go further please have a look at the section: Phylodynamic methods and molecular epidemiology.

ML methods

The Likelihood ratio test (LRT) allow to compare 2 models that belong to the same family (nested models, eg. submodels of GTR family) models. It is possible to use a hierarchical approach (hLRT) to successively compare nested models of different complexity levels (see eg. Posada and Buckley 2004, Posada 2008). The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is a measure that estimates how much the model differs from the true evolutionary process. It is most generally employed to compare several substitution models at once and does not require models to be nested. The best model is the model with lowest AIC. Methods that allow allows testing models that include heterogeneity rates across sites have been developed (eg. ModelFinder, Kalyaanamoorthy et al. 2017, implemented in IQ-TREE).

Bayesian methods

Bayesian factor comparison is a ratio test of the model likelihood which is estimated with the posterior probabilities of each tested model given the data while setting equal priors on the models: eg. both models are equally probable. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is a test closely related to AIC that uses the estimates of the marginal likelihood of the substitution models. BIC can be used to compare all kinds of models, including models used in ML methods. The best model is the model with the smallest BIC. The advantages of traditional AIC and BIC testing are described in Posada and Buckley (2004). Model testing is not limited to substitution models, and can eg. also be performed for molecular clock models, see Baele and al. (2012) and eg. allow testing of models that include invariant sites (Bouchkaert and Drummond 2017).

Other tests

If you reconstructed a time-tree, evaluating evidence of temporal signal can eg. be performed using a clustered-date randomization test (see Duchêne et al. 2015 and reviewed in Duchêne and Duchêne 2020)

Evaluating confidence of the different clades

Algorithms used in tree reconstruction assume that relationships between organisms are bifurcating (ie. no polytomies - no radiation). Therefore, it is important to consider a consensus tree of good possible trees, and evaluate branch support (see Simon 2020 for historical review).

Bootstrapping: ML and distances methods

Branch support (confidence in the clades) can be assessed by resampling methods (eg. bootstrapping, jackknifing).

Bootstrapping is random resampling with replacement of the MA sites followed by repeated tree reconstruction (Felsenstein 1985, Lemoine et al. 2018). It is the most commonly used method in ML. Note: it can also be used for estimating confidence in clades reconstructed with distance methods.

Bayesian methods

Clade confidence in Bayesian inference can be obtained from the summaries in the form of a consensus tree. Bayesian MCMC tree samples are used to derive approximate probabilities for each split/clade.

Robustness and the strength of the phylogenetic signal

Comparing phylogenetic trees reconstructed with different methods (eg. distance and ML) can also provide an indication of the strength of the signal, and help interpretation regarding which clades are not consistent between methods.

Direction of evolution: rooted tree vs non rooted tree

To provide a direction of evolution, it is possible to estimate the position of the root using a method employing a molecular clock model and using time-stamped (tip-dated data, see in Duchêne and Duchêne 2020). It is also possible to use a phylogenetic reconstruction method that allows constructing rooted trees (eg. ML using non-reversible substitution models, see eg. Williams et al. 2015 and Bayesian phylogenetics Huelsenbeck et al. 2002). See Kinene et al. (2016) for a review of the most common tree rooting methods.

When using phylogenetic methods without a clock model, such as ML methods using time reversible models, unrooted trees are inferred. To improve interpretability of unrooted trees in terms of direction of evolution, it is possible to root trees. The methods can eg, be outgroup rooting, or midpoint rooting.

When rooting using an outgroup, the root is placed at the midpoint of the branch that links the outgroup to the rest of the OTU. The outgroup is composed of one or several OTU that are not very closely related to the rest of the isolates under study. It is usually preferable to choose an outgroup that is not too distantly related, because you would encounter difficulties to align the sequences, and probably lose informative sites, which might lead to inference of topological errors due to the presence of saturated sites (multiple mutations, and reversals at the same site) (Lemey et al. 2009). For midpoint rooting, the root is placed at the middle of the longest branch (the longest evolutionary distance between two OTU). Midpoint rooting require assumptions that the lineages evolve at identical rates (molecular clock hypothesis) and that the tree has a balanced shaped topology (Kinene et al. 2016, see eg. Anonymous 2011, University of California for tree shapes).

Rooting an unrooted tree with outgroup or midpoint rooting can usually be done using phylogenetic tree visualisation software, or programming softwares languages with libraries that allow tree manipulating (eg. ape package in R). Be aware that some software might incorrectly place the bootstrap support of the clades after rooting/re-rooting (Czech et al. 2017).

Phylogenetic tree interpreting

Be-aware that the way phylogenetic trees are displayed and annotated can trick our mind into misinterpretation (eg. branch rotations, ladderization of unrooted trees, Novick et al. 2012). It can be good to explore the different views with a visualisation software when starting phylogenetic tree interpretation. Please see Baum 2008, Gregory 2008 and McLennan 2010 for an introduction of how to read phylogenetic trees. You can find some example of cautious interpretation for bacterial epidemiology in eg. Pightling et al. (2018) and Fagerlund et al. (2020).

Going further

Phenotypic traits inferenceThe use of phylogenetic methods is not limited to the study of relatedness between OTUs. The pathogen lineage structure inferred by phylogenetic analysis can be employed to extract the reference population structure that is required to correct for lineages effects in bacterial whole genome association studies (GWAS, eg. as in Pyseer, Lees et al. 2018). Alternatively, the phylogenetic information, in the form of phylogenetic trees, can be directly employed by GWAS methods as used in treeWAS (Collins and Didelot 2018). Alternatively to GWAS, comparative phylogenetics can be employed to study the evolution of some phenotypic traits across organisms that share a common evolutionary history (Hassler et al. 2020).

Phylodynamic methods and molecular epidemiologyIt is possible to extend the phylogenetic framework to phylodynamic inference, which combines the recovery of evolutionary processes through phylogenetic inference and joint modeling of population dynamics. This is highly suited to study the transmission and the spread of rapidly evolving pathogens (Baele et al, 2017, Ingle et al. 2021). Phylodynamics can also be used to estimate population dynamics parameters of pathogens such as effective reproduction rates (Ingle et al. 2021).

By incorporating non-genetic data eg. environmental, spatial data in phylodynamic analysis, it is possible to test alternative epidemiological hypotheses regarding the impact of ecological factors on pathogen evolution and spread. This has eg be used to test how dispersal and pathogen demography is impacted by temperature (Baele et al, 2017 , Dellicour et al. 2020a, Dellicour et al. 2020b) The inference of different population dynamics within a phylogenetic framework has so far been mostly the focus of virus epidemiology, however, this is likely to become a powerful tool also in bacterial epidemiology (Ingle et al. 2021).

Some limitations of phylogenetic and phylogenomic methods

Statistical phylogenetics methods rely heavily on evolutionary models, models that may be far from adequate for reflecting the reality of the evolutionary mechanisms of the OTU under study (see eg. Simion et al. (Chap 2.1 in “Phylogenetics in the Genomic Era: Scornavacca et al. 2020). Assumptions underlying the major evolutionary models are presented in a comprehensive overview in Kapli et al. (2020). Not being aware that improper use of phylogenetic reconstruction tools and violation of hypotheses assumptions can lead to erroneous interpretation of the reconstructed trees.

One major assumption, implicit with phylogenetic inference, is that the split between OTU are bifurcating: one ancestor gives rise to two and only two lineages (this excludes radiation events) and that lineages do not interact after emergence (Lemey 2009). Phylogenetic analysis also forces a tree structure even if the relationships supported by the data might better be reflected by a network (eg. in case of frequent recombination events in the species you study). Indeed, phylogenetic network might be better suited for analyses when non-vertical evolution events might be predominant (eg. horizontal gene transfer, recombination, gene duplications) (see Huson and Bryant 2006 and Wen et al. 2018).

In most commonly used phylogenetic inference models, isolates are considered as tips. Given the nature of bacterial pathogens, it is possible eg. that frozen isolates analysed jointly with contemporary samples, might be representative of the ancestral genome. Some authors (eg. Gavryushkina et al. 2014) have developed “ancestral trees” reconstruction methods under this assumption.

Lastly, until recently, one of the limitations of phylogenetic inference for surveillance/epidemiology was the need to restart the analyses from scratch, when new data become available. This is highly problematic when analyses are computationally intensive (eg. Bayesian) and when detection of potential outbreak must occur rapidly. Methods to circumvent this problem have recently been developed (eg. Hu et al. 2020). It is also now possible to incorporate new data when available to update the posterior distribution in Bayesian analyses (Gill et al. 2020), implemented in Beast V1).

Common tools

Tools are diverse and often implemented into species specific pipelines. Please see section species specific tools. This list is far from an exhaustive list, but it might help you to start with phylogenetic analyses. Note that numerous packages for phylogenetic analysis, including phylogenetic inference, preparation of input files to eg. BEAST, tree manipulation, estimating transmission trees, dating, visualisation tools are also available in R . Not all packages are deposited in R packages list, some might be available through Bioconductor or can be fetched on github or other repositories.

Multiple sequence alignment and whole genome alignment

Depending on the method used, it might be required to extract the genes/colinear regions that are common to all genomes under-study)

Concatenated core gene alignment

Whole genome alignment

SNPs/variant calling by mapping to reference

Distance matrices from multiple sequence alignments

Phylogenetic inference softwares

Abbreviations: Maximum Likelihood (ML), Bayesian (B).

Note: identical abbreviations used in different softwares might actually refer to different algorithms, including algorithms with the same purpose, eg. ASC and fconst that are different in iqtree and RAxML. Please always refer to the software manual

For more, there is a lot of programs to explore, see eg. the wikipedia list of phylogenetic softwares and the wikipedia list of bayesian phylogenetic softwares, the most common softwares that are currently used are also provided in table 10.1 (Challa and Neelapu 2019).

Model testing

Model testing is often implemented in phylogenetic softwares. Please refer to the documentation.


Correlation methods

Identification of clusters from phylogenetic trees

There has been some research to automatically define clusters based on phylogenetic trees, mostly for viruses, but such methods might well be transposable to determine clusters for bacteria (see eg. TreeCluster).

Visualisation tools

Visualisation software come in many flavours (desktop, web-interface …). Wikipedia presents a good list here.

  • FigTree (has all the requirements to visualize and annotate, and is easy to use)
  • Diverse libraries in R and python (eg. ggtree in R) …

Online platforms for bacterial phylogenetics and surveillance

There are several online platforms, aiming at facilitating phylogenetic data analysis and/or visualisation, metadata integration (epi-data, geography …) of diverse pathogens. Those have proliferated those last years (eg. nextstrain, microreact, microbetrace) The functionality of the platforms are diverse, and can range from simple phylogenetic analysis to contact tracing.

Detection of trait association and phylogeny

Additional resources

While we covered a limited set of phylogenetics inference methods, those most frequently used in molecular epidemiology, a large amount of alternative approaches to workflows, or methods variants has not been treated in the present document.

Here are some resources that might be useful to explore further the potential of use of phylogenetics methods in epidemiology.

A series of very good series of introductory lectures to statistical phylogenetics, by Paul. Lewis, can be found in website. Moreover, also gives access to a diverse range of topics about the latest research developments in phylogeny, including molecular epidemiology.

A list of few selected books:

  • Lemey, P., Salemi, M., & Vandamme, A. (Eds.). (2009). The Phylogenetic Handbook: A Practical Approach to Phylogenetic Analysis and Hypothesis Testing (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511819049
  • Robinson, D. Ashley, Edward J. Feil, and Daniel Falush. Bacterial Population Genetics in Infectious Disease. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
  • (Online Book). Celine Scornavacca, Frédéric Delsuc, Nicolas Galtier. Phylogenetics in the Genomic Era.
  • DeSalle, Rob., and Jeffrey. Rosenfeld. Phylogenomics : A Primer. New York: Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013 (first edition) and 2020 (second edition)