Workflow managers

What is a workflow manager

As is described in [Data Production], a bioinformatics analysis pipeline commonly consists of many tools chained after each other, each tool providing input to the next step in the process. This means that an analysis can consist of many steps, each with their own inputs and options. Running these analyses by hand can be time consuming and error prone. To help with this, several so-called workflow managers or engines have been developed. These are tools that allow for creating a script for your analysis, detailing all of the steps. Many people write this up in bash the first time they try to do this. However, with bash the person writing it will have to figure out where all of the files are, and also take care of the error handling. In addition, in many cases analyses will have to be done on a compute cluster, and that adds another layer of complexity that workflow managers can sort out on their own.

There are several tools to manage workflows/pipelines available. In this section some of the major players will be described.


Nextflow is a domain specific language DSL created specifically for handing bioinformatics analyses. This is a programming language that allows the user to create pipelines connecting many tools together.

The central entity in Nextflow is a process. A process is akin to a function, in that it takes in a set of input data, and produces output. Output is produced by the process executing something on the input, for instance running SPAdes on a read set to produce an assembly. Data input and output to a process is handled via non-blocking unidirectional FIFO queues. A data set is put into the input queue of a process, and the process will then pick that data set out of the queue and process it. The output will then be put into a separate output channel, which then can be used as an input channel by a different process. In this way processes can be chained together to create a pipeline.

The channel system also takes care of file handling. Nextflow operates with the concept of a “work” directory. For each run of a process on a specific data set, a specific directory is set up in the work directory to deal with the data needed and produced by that process. The input data to that process is “softlinked” in from its current location into that directory. Softlinking is a way of making “shortcuts” from one location in the file system to another. In this case, the input data to that process is softlinked into the process directory in such a way that it looks like it is in that directory. The output data from that process is stored in the processis directory. Any processes working on the output data further downstream in the pipeline will then softlink to the output data in its current work directory location. Thus, most of the data that is produced by a pipeline will be found in the “work” directory. Data that should be viewable by the user at the end of the run can be tagged in the process by the “publishdir” directive. These data will then be available in the directory specified by the “publishdir” directive.

Due to the way processes are set up, it is also possible to have conditional executions of parts of the pipeline. This allows for evaluating results before proceeding with the analyses. In addition, it allows the user to have one complete pipeline, and depending on user input and user options only parts of the pipeline will be run.

Another benefit of Nextflow is that it is able to run on High Performance Computing systems. In practice this means that Nextflow will produce a batch file for each run of a process, and that file will then be submitted to the queueing system. Nextflow will then check in with the system and see if processes are running well or not. If a process does not complete well, it can be auto-restarted. If a process still won’t produce satisfactory results, the rest of the pipeline will either not be run and the pipeline will terminate, or the particular step is ignored and there is no further processing of the dataset that failed.

Since a lot of scientific software tools can be difficult to install on local or HPC systems, it might be challenging to build a pipeline in nextflow using several tools, each with their own installation requirements. To circumvent this Nextflow can works with with a variety of systems such as both conda environments or with container systemss (Docker, Singularity, etc) both singularity and docker). These systems can make installation of software easier since the installed software is isolated and independent from the software installed locally or on a cluster. In addition, containers can make pipelines more reproducible, since the used software version can easily be installed on a different computing system. Nextflow can be pointed to software, available online as a conda environment or a container, required for a single or multiple processes and nextflow will automatically install the required software needed for a process before starting the analysis.


Snakemake is another workflow manager that functions in a similar manner as nextflow. A main difference to nextflow is that Snakemake uses a Python based syntax for programming pipelines. Other than that Snakemake uses rules that describe each of the steps in a pipeline. These rules also contain which input files to use and what to do with the output files. One difference with nextflow is that Snakemake is set-up via conda, and to run snakemake it is required to start a conda environment.

An interesting part of Snakemake is that workflow creation can be checked with a code quality checker which helps the creater to improve the readability and stimulates best practices when writting code. In a similar way to nextflow, Snakemake can be run on a local computer as well as on a HPC cluster or the Amazon cloud.


Galaxy is a web based, user friendly, scientific workflow platform for analyses especially for researchers who want to analyse their data using bioinformatics tools within a graphical interface. Programming knowledge is not needed to upload data, run analyses and export the results. However, it is also possible to use Galaxy as a pure workflow manager, without the graphical interface.

Most of the known bioinformatics tools can be installed through Galaxy toolshed, tools repository for galaxy. New tools also can be added without any complex technical steps. Each new tool needs a tool definition file (xml) where input data, parameters, output and tool location are defined. Galaxy uses this file to produce the user interface for the tool, execute the tool and display the results. Galaxy also comes with visualization tools to visualize data and the results. Galaxy recommends to use conda package manager as the best practice to manage the tool dependencies for each tool which can be configured in galaxy.config file.

Each user can have username and password. Using a galaxy without a username and password is also possible. Galaxy history section keeps track of all the analyses done by each user. Users can not see other users’ history if they are not shared with them. These analyses can be easily re-run and also exported to another galaxy to reproduce.

Galaxy allows users to create workflows easily using a simple user interface. Workflows can use high performance computing to analyse big/high throughput data. Workflows can be exported from one instance of Galaxy and imported to another instance manually. Thus, Galaxy makes the reproducibility of analyses easier.

Galaxy is an open source software implemented in the Python programming language. Galaxy has a very active developers’ community which actively adds new features a few times a year. Galaxy can be installed in a user laptop for a single user use or in a high performance computing server for a multiuser purpose. Docker containers and Ansible playbooks are also used to deploy galaxy easily. Popular database management systems such as MySQL, PostGres can be used by Galaxy to store the user, data and analysis details.

Galaxy can be configured to use slurm to make use of high performance clusters. Galaxy comes with a remote job running system called Pulsar. Using pulsar Galaxy jobs can be sent to remote computing resources and get back the results. Transport of data, tool information and other metadata can be done using RabbitMQ.